Friday, November 30, 2007

Police Scanner

6:03pm Attempted Carjacking in Lithia Springs.

6:11pm 911 misdial

ScanDouglas is having problems and the feed cut out—so will have to end this here.

Two Tons Of Marijuana Seized


4,000 Pounds of Marijuana Seized

The Douglasville Police Department seized 4,000 pounds of marijuana Friday in what is being called one of their largest drug busts ever for the department.

Web Editor: Chris Sweigart

Last Modified: 11/30/2007 3:14:04 PM

The Douglasville Police Department seized 4,000 pounds of marijuana Friday in what is being called one of their largest drug busts ever for the department.

Police seized the marijuana, which has a street value of about $2 million, from the El Oasis Market in Douglasville.

According to police, a patrol officer was in the area of the El Oasis Friday morning when he noticed a van on the property. When the officer went to investigate, he noticed wrapped green bales in the van and confronted the driver.

The driver of the van and the owner of the El Oasis have been arrested. A number of people inside the store at the time of the arrests fled. A warrant has been taken out for the arrest of one other person who is believed to be among those that fled.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Update On Mall Shooting

Suspect Critical in Ga. Mall Shooting

DOUGLASVILLE, Ga. (AP) — A man accused of trying to rob an armored car guard at a shopping mall was in critical condition Tuesday with a gunshot wound to the face, police said.

David Broderick, 41, was charged with aggravated assault and was to face other charges stemming from the robbery attempt and shootout at Arbor Place Mall on Monday, police Maj. Oliver Fladrich said.

Broderick owns a "music memorabilia business of some sort" and apparently has no criminal history, Fladrich said.

Douglasville police said they did not know whether Broderick had an attorney.

The Brinks guard, whose identity was not released, was shot in the leg during a shootout that sent a lunchtime crowd at the mall diving for cover. Both he and Broderick were taken to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, about 20 miles away. The guard was released Monday night.

Detectives have not ruled out the possibility that Broderick was working with an accomplice, Fladrich said.

"We're still following several leads, trying to exhaust every resource we can to see what happened," Fladrich said. "We're not ruling anything out at this point."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Updated AP Article About Shooting

Guard, Suspect Shot in Georgia Mall

DOUGLASVILLE, Ga. (AP) — A gunman tried to rob a security guard at a shopping mall Monday, and both men were shot as a panicked lunchtime crowd ran and ducked for cover, officials and witnesses said.

The guard's injuries were not believed to be life-threatening, said Bill Ball, general manager of the Arbor Place Mall. Police said the suspect's wounds were more severe.

The Brinks guard was in the mall to service ATM machines, Ball said. The guard was on the second floor when the robber approached and put a gun to his head, police said.

They scuffled, and both men fired, with the guard hit in the leg and suspect in the mouth, Douglasville Police Chief Joe Whisenant said.

Both men were taken to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. The suspect underwent emergency surgery Monday afternoon, the chief said.

Neither man's identity was released. The suspect is 41 years old, Whisenant said.

Shoppers and mall workers ran from the food court "with terror on their faces," said Diana Shasta, manager of a marketing company that has an office at the mall.

"I've never been so frightened in my life," the 30-year-old said. "Everybody was running for their lives, grabbing their babies, pulling their friends."

One bullet tore through a laminated sign at the Auntie Anne's pretzel stand, narrowly missing employee Catrina Lemley and manager Sharon Wilson.

"I heard gunshots and I saw pieces of the sign flying out. My manager told me to get down," said Lemley, 19, who is eight months pregnant. "It was scary."

Denise Shipp, of Douglasville, said she was eating lunch in the food court with her husband, Jon, when they heard gunshots. Her husband saw the guard tackle the suspect and hold him on ground, she said.

People were diving under tables, holding up chairs and hiding behind partition walls, she said.

A window over the mall's front entrance contained a hole from a bullet that apparently passed directly above the food court and an indoor playground.

Police briefly locked down the mall 21 miles west of Atlanta after the shooting. The mall was later reopened.

The wounded man is the only known suspect in the case, Whisenant said.

Further Details of Shooting

My mother was on her lunch hour and was down at Lane Bryant, shopping, when she heard the shots.  She says it happened after 12:04pm and only heard about four shots.  The sales associates and shoppers in Lane Bryant went in the back room.  Mom said they were looking for the driver of a van so possibly police are still looking for this driver but are telling CNN they aren't looking so the driver won't know the police are looking for him.

Douglasville Police Tell CNN No Second Suspect In Mall Shooting

CNN just said they talked to Douglasville police who said they're not on the lookout for a second suspect but can't rule out a second suspect.  They don't think there is a second suspect.  Also they say the money stolen was recovered.  They also showed new video.  This was on CNN about 3:20pm.

Shooting At Arbor Place This Morning

Apparently someone tried to rob a Brinks truck--this morning!  The AJC reports it happened around 11:45 a.m.  The shooting happened outside Johnny Rocket's.  A witness interviewed by the AJC estimates she heard nine shots fired.  I didn't find out about this until now because I had to work today.  I called my mother first, because she works at the mall, and she was busy but sounded all right.  I may be able to get more details from her later.  A witness reported on the Douglasville message board on said the guard was shot in the head.  The mall was locked down for a couple of hours, then allowed to reopen.

And--this is the insane thing--it sounds like they're still looking for a suspect because all schools were put on a "code yellow" alert which locked all exterior doors and no students were allowed outside.  One suspect was shot and taken to Grady.  The guard was taken to a local hospital, and since we only have a couple in the area, it's most likely either Wellstar Douglas or Tanner in Villa Rica.

This marks the second crime at the mall in the last two weeks.  Obviously something needs to happen in the mall so security will be increased.  I've been to the mall.  Most of the security I've seen don't look like they could run very fast.  I think, especially during the Christmas season, we need off-duty police officers in the mall, not mall security.  Maybe we need a police precinct in the mall or just outside the mall (or both).  But I do know one thing--it will be quite awhile before I go back to Arbor Place.  When there is more police presence at the mall, I may consider returning there to shop.  Until then I'll do my shopping elsewhere.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Police Scanner

8:10pm Reckless driver on I-20.
8:11pm Reckless driver is now on Fairburn Road.
8:14pm Reckless driver is now on Hwy 78.
8:17pm Reckless driver apprehended.  Two units there, one on the way.
8:23pm Juvenile threatening to stab parent(s).  Multiple units enroute.
8:29pm Person banging on front door of house who then fled into woods.  South of Bill Arp area.
8:29pm Looks like juvenile has been arrested.
(nothing of note happened between 8:29pm and 8:40pm.
8:41pm A driver that was pulled over has previous violations.
8:43pm 10-28 on I-20.
8:44pm 10-28 on Hwy 92.
8:46pm One person arrested.
8:48pm Domestic problem reported.
8:50pm 10-28 on Riverside.
8:51pm Fight involving possibly fifteen people, did not hear where.
8:53pm Feed stopped--lost maybe a minute or two.
8:55pm 10-28
8:58pm 10-28
8:58pm No more mention of fight after 8:51pm mention.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Police Scanner

12:02pm Something's going on--I think I starting listening the middle of it.  One officer asked if the funeral home was on the way.  They're looking for a vehicle.
12:03pm Someone's been arrested.
12:03pm Reckless driver on Hwy 92.
12:04pm Accident reported, not sure if there actually is one or not.
12:05pm Funeral home fifteen minutes away from arrival.  I'm going to listen to the archives.
12:06pm A person hit a vehicle and left--this was an earlier hit and run.

Listening to archives now from 11:46am-12pm:
Shoplifter caught at Wal-Mart.
Reckless driver on I-20 near Carroll County.
Just heard a 10-79, which is notify coroner, so I'm going to the feed archives from 11:30am-11:46am.
I haven't heard anything.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Comments from BOC Member Mike Mulcare

I read recently that the Bear Creek Reservoir was now being used for water withdrawal and had to chuckle in a sad sort of way as I thought about my past involvement with this small body of water.

When I and a small group of neighbors founded Friends of Douglas County (FoDC) in 1997, few people know that we started as "Friends of Bear Creek”.  We fought several pending development / disasters to the reservoir, the major one being the Bear Creek Golf Course and Subdivision (No reflection on the good folks living there now). This subdivision was a environmental catastrophe for two reasons - 1) the manner in which the development was environmentally mismanaged, and, 2) The lack of sedimentation and erosion (S&E) control enforcement by the county. These issues led the FoDC to request that the Soil and Water District revoke Douglas County's permitting ability. The Soil and Water commission did not revoke the county's permit but did cite numerous violations on the Bear Creek development. Do you remember these issues in 1997-99?

The Bear Creek Reservoir (BCR) was taken off-line by the Douglasville - Douglas County Water and Sewer Authority (DDCWSA) because it was too heavily silted-in. The silt made water withdrawal too expensive in maintaining the pumps and filters. This siltation directly relates to the preceding paragraph about upstream (lack of) enforcement of S&E codes. I was also repeatedly told that WATER WOULD NEVER BE NEEDED FROM THE RESERVOIR, that there would be more than adequate water in the Dog River Reservoir (DRR).

Common knowledge at that time and borne out to present conditions is that Bear Creek sustains a higher flow than Dog River during drought conditions. In normal rainfall conditions, Dog River flow is much greater than Bear Creek. Because of this, the FoDC asked the DDCWSA if it were not feasible to pipe water to the Dog River Reservoir since it had a much larger pool capacity. We were again told that would be impractical and unfeasible to ever use the BCR again because of its small size and silt. By the way, $1.4 million was spent on the DRR dredging silt out of it several years ago!
I do not know how much water capacity the Bear Creek Reservoir presently has since that is directly impacted by the very considerable amount of silt filling the pool. I do know that there is a new shoreline with vegetation growing where there used to be good water. This reservoir is not very large (35 acres - if I remember correctly) but it could be used as a collector to keep the DRR filling. The DRR is about 200 acres.To more effectively use the BCR, I believe it would need to be dredged to create a greater capacity than it possesses now, in normal times probably not financially sound. HOWEVER, these are not normal times and the likelihood of repeat draughts is pretty good. We should consider "digging out" the BCR and raising the dam to create a bigger basin. While this "bucket"  is not near as the DRR bucket, it has a better flow in these conditions. The DRR has a planned dam raising project. This project will increase the capacity from 1.2 billion gallons to 2 billion gallons, but as we can see, we could pump water from the BCR to help fill the DRR pool. To my knowledge, the BCR still has a state permitted withdrawal rate of 6.4 million gallons per day, while the DRR has a permit for 23mgd. I remind the reader that I am going mostly on recollection in terms of the numbers I mention here, but I do believe this idea of resurrecting the Bear Creek Reservoir has merit and needs to be studied in the context of planning for drought emergencies in the future.

The drought may be a blessing in disguise for several reasons:
1) It may make experts hesitant to write-off ANY precious water resources such as the Little Bear Creek, Bear Creek and its reservoir. We are now going back to using a reservoir after hearing repeatedly that it would never be needed again.
2) It makes the population projection of 218,000 by 2030 (ARC data) look pretty absurd when we can’t supply 120,000 people now without restrictions. We should plan for some population growth as a metro county but we must do so prudently with a goal of NOT reaching the ARC’s number.
3) It will demand future development infrastructure include gray water collection and re-use so that our finite potable water supply will go farther. 
Mike Mulcare
3rd District – Douglas County Commission

Police Scanner

10:29am Domestic problem reported.
10:31am Vehicle tampered with at Wal-Mart.
10:40am Larceny occurred at a hotel.
10:41am Officer recovering stolen vehicle that came from another town about an hour away from Douglasville.
10:45am Domestic Problem reported.
10:45am People cussing at a business.
10:50am Vehicle egged overnight off Pope Road.
10:53am Lookout for person pulling a stolen Bobcat.

Friday, November 16, 2007

What's For Sale In Douglas County

Former Cub Foods and former Wal-Mart on Concourse Parkway for sale.  According to the ad, Wal-Mart and Cub Foods are still paying rent for these former stores through January 2010 and August 2010, respectively.  The ad also says that the population "in this area has grown by 19% in 2000" and by 13% more in the next five years.  $9.75 million.

A one acre tract in front of Super Wal-Mart on Concourse Parkway.  $775,000.

A little over five acres on South Baggett Road.  The ad on Loopnet says it's approved for a 22,000 sq ft industrial or retail building.  $349,000.

11.99 acres on Stewart Mill Road.  Ad says "high traffic count 1.5 miles from Kohl's Dept. Store.  Road will be widened.  Spring on property with largest aquifer in the southeast according to owner.  Water tests available." $950,000.

.76 acres of land in front of old Wal-Mart parking lot on Stewart Parkway.  Price not disclosed.  Will be sold at an auction onsite on November 20 at 10:00 a.m.

J&C Automotive in Douglasville.  $400,000.

A ground lease for El Pollo Loco in Lithia Springs.  $1,240,000.

Police Scanner

2:43pm Two juveniles being taken to Youth Detention center from courthouse.
2:44pm Traffic on Hwy 92.
2:50pm Alarm at a medical center.
2:50pm Intoxicated driver backed into officer's car.  Officer is okay.
2:54pm Juvenile complaint--might have firearm. 
2:55pm Harassing phone calls reported.
3:00pm Reckless I-20 Eastbound past Hwy 92.  Teenagers throwing things at cars.
3:02pm 911 hangup. Toddler on phone.
3:05pm Shoplifter in custody at Wal-Mart.
3:06pm Someone pulled over who doesn't have auto insurance.  That is one of the most important peices of paper to have in your car, in my opinion.
3:08pm School bus violation in Arbor Station.  This is passing a schoolbus when the stop sign is out.
3:13pm Officer to check Gold's Gym on Chapel Hill.  Something about traffic.
3:18pm Shoulders of road closed near Gold's Gym on Chapel Hill--construction or workers putting in gas or water lines, don't know.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Douglas County Police Scanner

6:12pm Accident between garbage truck and car on Bankhead near Hwy 5.
6:14pm Suspicious vehicle reported.  Almost hit pedestrian.
6:18pm 10-95
6:22pm officer arriving on scene of 6:12pm accident.
6:23pm two suspicious vehicles at water department.
6:23pm Mechanical breakdown on Chapel Hill Road.
6:31pm Domestic problem, tresspassing, accident all on hold--apparently no available officers.
6:33pm Accident in front of IHOP.
6:34pm Four males drinking on property.
6:36pm possible person selling drugs in weight room of subdivision.
6:36pm Juvenile Complaint--poss. on drugs
6:40pm Something going in in Tributary, didn't hear.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


11Alive news stated that a woman is dead and the deputy is in the hospital.  It was a head-on collision.  The deputy was headed to the mall to respond to the armed robbery of jewelry.  The news states that the deputy is in his 30s and has been with the Douglas County Sheriff's Department for several years.  The accident happened on or near Downs Road, which I couldn't find on MapQuest but I think it is near Hwy 5 and Hwy 166.  They said the deputy was conscious after the accident and asked about the woman in the other vehicle.

Local News Covers Wreck

The local NBC affilliate will have a report about the wreck at 11pm.  This was on their website:
"A Douglas County deputy was seriously injured in an accident Wednesday night near the intersection of Highway 166 and Highway 5 south of Douglasville.

According to officials, at least two vehicles were involved in the wreck. The deputy's condition is not known at present.

Stay tuned to 11Alive and for updates and details as they become available -- and watch 11Alive News At 10 and 11 for a full report from 11Alive's Blair Meeks on the scene."

Armed Robbery At Arbor Place Mall

Armed robbery of a person by three suspects possibly at a jewelry store in the mall shortly before 8pm.  Large amount of jewelry taken.  There was a chase on I-20 for car fitting description.  County unable to shut mall down because city officers were chasing car on I-20.  Officers blocking entrances.


Bad wreck around Hwy 166 and Hwy 5.  Both lanes north of wreck are being shut down in order to investigate wreck.  Possibly at least one fatality.

Douglas County/Douglasville Scanner

10:16am Suspicious subject walking in subdivision.
10:29am 10-28 has 10-32 and has ID only.
10:35am Someone sees several subjects loading stolen items into a vehicle.
10:41am Residential alarm in Anneewakee Trails.
10:43am 10-95
10:48am 10-95
10:56am Accident on Kilroy Lane.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I've heard a lot of rumors about the drought in Douglas County.  I drove past Dog River on Hwy 166 today.  What I saw looked vastly different from the river I saw last year.  There is a large portion of river that is now riverbank--and yes, there was some water, but not a lot.  Definitely not enough for the entire county.

Which makes me wonder--why weren't we, as a county, better prepared for a drought?  Why didn't the county enact a total water ban sooner if they knew we didn't have much water left?  Why didn't the county, ahead of time, build more water towers?  And regarding the water towers we do have, is there any water in any of them?  I know there is one near Food Depot on Hwy 5 and one near Greystone Power on Hwy 78.  I don't know of any others.  Also, why are they (as far as I know) still allowing businesses like power-washing businesses and car washes to use water?  I know of one reason--money.  These businesses are doing a booming business right now, and that means tax dollars for the county.

You might be asking what you can do to conserve water.  It's simple, really.  Don't take baths.  Take showers instead.  You use less water taking a shower than you do a bath.  Don't run the water when you're brushing your teeth.  Only run the dishwasher when you have a full load of dishes, and likewise for your clothes washer.  If you boil an egg, use the water you boiled an egg in to water an indoor plant.

Anyone have any other tips for conserving water?