Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hiding Restaurant Scores

I'm not sure when it was changed, but you can no longer get a list of current restaurant scores on the Cobb/Douglas County Board of Health Website.  The site now directs you to a "search" where you can search by restaurant name or zip code.

If you search by zip code, it does not give you the score on the list that generates--you have to click on each individual restaurant to see the score.  I do like that they now include the infractions on each score--but it would be easier if there was still a list that included said score.

A lot of the sales tax revenues, I'm sure, come from restaurants...I imagine this will make it easier for restaurants with a low score to attract more customers.  Even upscale restaurants can get a low or failing score.

The Douglas County government website does make a list like this, but their last list is dated February 17 - March 14.

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