Today's top news in the Sentinel: the fact that the county is prepared if the storm hits. Well, this is putting the cart AFTER the horse, in my opinion. This should have been in Tuesday's paper, not in the paper the day AFTER the storm has come and gone. This just shows that they need to extend their deadline time. I believe, at least last year, it was around 4pm because the next day's articles would be on the website around 5:30pm.
And the fact that people have to register to read the free articles on their website just shows they don't want people reading them and then making comments. I made a comment to an article a couple of weeks back and it was never posted.
The Clayton Tribune in Clayton, GA has the same type of website as the Sentinel does, with the pictures on the front page and allows people to comment on each article--and there is no registration required to view articles or to comment. And people comment on almost every article.
I am predicting that not many people have registered for the Sentinel's service. I did, but cancelled my free subscription as soon as they emailed me an offer to subscribe. I think they're doing this because people are cancelling their paper subscriptions and just reading the online articles.
Any comments?
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