Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Restaurant Inspection Scores

I will not be able to provide you with the latest inspection scores because the Douglas County Board of Health claims that they cannot put the scores on their website because they are using a new system of grading.  The entire state is using it.  However, I have found current, updated scores with the new system included on Paulding County's Board of Health website at http://www.nwgapublichealth.org/env/paulding/index.htm  .  They also list individual violations, which Douglas County did not.  Here's the Douglas County Board of Health's statement from their website:

Due to the new food service form which is not available at this time in an electronic format we are unable to post the current food service scores for Cobb and Douglas counties. This will be operational in the near future. All food service establishments are required to post their most recent inspection within fifteen feet of the main entrance and on the drive through window.Should you have any questions concerning any establishment please call Environmental Health at:
Cobb 770-435-7815
Douglas 770-920-7311

We apologize for any inconvenience."

4/17/08 Update: CBS 46 Anchor Adam Murphy responded to my email yesterday.  He also contacted the Health Department--and they gave him a different response.  They told him they've "encountered a glitch with AT&T and their website."  I responded to his email and told them what the restaurant inspections page said and he said perhaps they were facing both problems. 


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