Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Police Scanner

12:16pm 911 hang-up.
12:19pm child was playing on phone.
12:20pm I-20 Westbound near Post Rd—a pole with a tarp (came off a pickup truck) was in the middle lane.  Officer requests this be given to the FIND unit to pick up.
12:24pm six high school students walking in the road.
12:28pm Report written.
12:31pm Someone took someone else’s car.
12:32pm 10-28

12:32pm 10-28

12:33pm Officer giving someone a ride to a gas station to get gas.
12:34pm One by name and DOB.

12:34pm Gas station requesting assistance for an intoxicated person. Maxham Road area.
12:35pm 10-28
12:36pm Someone locked their keys in their vehicle at a gas station.
12:46pm Someone has invalid insurance and their registration is suspended.

12:37pm Complaint in a subdivision.

12:37pm 10-28
12:39pm 10-28 for a mechanical breakdown at Sweetwater Bluff.
12:41pm 10-28

12:43pm 10-28

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