My last post of 2007--Happy New Year!
10:46pm 10-28 at flea market.
10:48pm Gunshots heard at Deerlick Park.
10:49pm Someone hit someone else’s mailbox.
10:51pm Loud party/music on Cheoah Drive.
10:52pm 911 hangup off Post Road.
10:52pm Domestic problem reported.
10:53pm So far there have been over 53,000 filed cases in Douglas County. Officers will start over at 1 at midnight.
10:54pm Suspicious vehicle at OBT flea market—somehow related to worship center inside flea market.
10:57pm Domestic problem reported.
10:57pm 10-28
10:58pm Domestic Problem—suspects have left.11:01pm 911 hangup at a church on Post Road.
11:03pm Armed robbery—suspect is possibly at McDonald’s on Fairburn Rd.
11:04pm Person caught shoplifting in Kroger on Hospital Drive.
11:05pm Officer has found armed robbery suspect in parking lot of McDonald’s.
11:06pm 10-28 (3 vehicles)
11:07pm 10-28 on I-20.
11:08pm One by name & DOB.
11:08pm Intoxicated person at Checker’s.
11:09pm VIN check.
11:12pm 10-28
11:13pm Fireworks complaint. Columns Drive.
11:14pm Flea Market seems to be okay.
11:15pm 10-28 at gas station on Chapel Hill Rd.
11:16pm Jessie Davis Park is Code 4.
11:18pm Someone’s been arrested.
11:19pm Someone’s license is expired.
11:19pm Business alarm reported.
11:20pm Two arrested on drug possession. This was at McDonald’s—officer thought these were the armed robbery suspects but they don’t match the witness’ description.
11:20pm 10-28
11:21pm One by name & DOB.
11:23pm An officer is not responding to dispatcher.
11:24pm Dispatcher asks officer to go check on officer not responding to dispatcher, who is a FIND unit on 1-20.
11:25pm 10-27
11:25pm FIND officer responds. Tells other officer to continue to I-20.
11:26pm Noise complaint.
11:27pm Someone else has an expired license.
11:28pm Officer enroute to Tributary. Reports a lot of fireworks coming from Parkway Village Apartments.11:30pm Apparently the shoplifter is at another Kroger.
11:30pm Accident on private property.
11:31pm Residential alarm reported.
11:31pm Shoplifting occurred at Chapel Hill Kroger.
11:34pm Noise complaint was hoax.
11:34pm Suspicious vehicle in construction area somewhere.
11:36pm It seems like police are either ignoring fireworks complaints or not responding to them. I’ve only heard two, and the officer who reported seeing them did not go to investigate.
11:38pm Someone’s playing with the radio.
11:39pm 10-28
11:39pm 10-28
11:39pm 10-28
11:39pm 10-28
11:43pm Officer on duty in Tributary until morning.
11:45pm 10-28 in front of Regions on Hwy 78.
11:46pm One suspect being taken from McDonald’s to PD.
11:46pm Fight with threats on Fairburn Rd.
11:48pm Three people by name & DOB.
11:54pm Fireworks complaint.
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