Sunday, December 9, 2007

Police Scanner

10:57pm An officer asking about broken glass.

10:58pm Couldn’t understand what officer just said, but there was an alarm going off in the background.

10:59pm Sounds like there was a robbery at a house (may have been a gas station) and the suspect’s truck was last seen on Hwy 78.

11:01pm Residence alarm off Chapel Hill Rd.

11:02pm Residence alarm was accident, apparently.

11:02pm I thought I just heard a question from one officer asking if an officer knew who had been killed.

11:02pm Missing person reported.

11:04pm Something about a good attempt at a gas station.

11:05pm Officers searching for suspect of a crime on Hwy 78.

11:07pm Something about an ETA of 30 minutes.

11:09pm Mechanical breakdown and pickup prisoner from another county reported.

11:10pm Sounds like officers are patrolling other gas stations.

11:11pm Two other gas stations logged as safe.

11:11pm Another gas station logged as safe.

11:11pm Something about ICE--I believe this is the drug unit.

11:12pm Officers still searching for truck.

11:12pm Another gas station logged as safe.

11:13pm Domestic problem reported.

11:14pm Truck possibly spotted at Home Depot.

11:14pm Truck also spotted at a dentist office.

11:17pm 10-28

11:17pm 10-27

11:18pm May have found suspect’s truck at a business near Publix on Hwy 5.

11:21pm Officer out with suspicious subject.

11:21pm Someone’s been arrested.

11:22pm Someone possibly stole a vehicle.

11:23pm 10-27

11:24pm 10-27

11:25pm Domestic problem (same location as 11:13pm)

11:26pm 10-28 & 10-29

11:27pm Reckless driver reported--officer told dispatcher to hold call. No available officers in city.

11:28pm Reckless driver report dispatched to officer.

11:30pm Two suspicious people walking on side of road.

I’m listening to the archives starting at 10:49pm and they’ve so far reported a business alarm at a Texaco with glass breakage. Officers were heading to the scene. Someone across street heard loud boom and then saw truck fleeing scene.  It sounded like someone broke the glass on the door of the gas station.

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