Tuesday, June 17, 2008

County Cover-Ups

Looks like there have been quite a few things covered up about the supposed "jail" Worthan and the sheriff want so much--one of the candidates for Commission Chairman, Igor Malanchuk, posted this--it's part of the public record.  Interesting how they wanted to handle "this quickly and quietly"--I'll be interested to see if anyone, if at all, comments about this.  I just wondered why we weren't hearing residents from Flagview voice their opinion about having to move--now we know.  After all, Tom Worthan doesn't even have a campaign website.  Supposedly he bought http://www.tomworthan.net, but the page isn't there.  I did an IP lookup and it says "client transfer prohibited".


1 comment:

  1. I have asked Tom why we paid so much for the property and all he could say is that we aren't realtor's mean while we have to borrow more money to keep the county operating. Tom always ask me who I'm here for when I show up and question the abuse of power in the county government.
