Friday, June 13, 2008


Thought this was interesting.  The county was inviting people to come to a special called meeting--however, it is dated TODAY, and the meeting was YESTERDAY.  Here's how it looked on the page:

"Special Called Meeting June 12th at 2pm

June 13, 2008
The Douglas County Board of Commissioners has called a special meeting on June 12th at 2pm in Citizens Hall of the Douglas County Courthouse to appoint members to the Douglas County Board of Elections and Registrar. All citizens are invited to come be a part."

You can see it at

So I guess they really DON'T want citizens at their BOC meetings...or either this is dated wrong.  And why, why, why, was it scheduled for 2pm?  Most people work, and are not going to be able to go to a meeting in the middle of the day.  Why not schedule it for 6pm as normal BOC/P&Z meetings are?

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